1 import java.lang.reflect.Method; 2 3 class T{ 4 public void me2(String s){ 5 System.out.println("public method "); 6 } 7 private static void me1(String s,Integer i){ 8 System.out.println("this is a private static method and the parameters is: "+s+" "+i); 9 }10 private void me(String s){11 System.out.println("this is a private method and the parameters is: "+s);12 }13 }14 public class Test1 {15 public static void main(String[] args){16 T t=new T();17 try{18 Method method=Class.forName("T").getDeclaredMethod("me", new Class[]{String.class});19 method.setAccessible(true);20 method.invoke(t, "test private");21 Method method1=Class.forName("T").getDeclaredMethod("me1", new Class[]{String.class,Integer.class});22 method1.setAccessible(true);23 method1.invoke(T.class, "test static private",1296699761);24 Method method2=t.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("me2",new Class[]{String.class});25 //method2.setAccessible(true);26 method2.invoke(t, "test public");27 }catch(Exception e){28 e.printStackTrace();29 }30 System.out.println("end!");31 }32 }
setAccessible要设置成true的,否则无法调用private方法 ####### 主要是这句
this is a private method and the parameters is: test private
this is a private static method and the parameters is: test static private 1296699761public method end!--------------------- 作者:zhoudqa 来源:CSDN 原文:https://blog.csdn.net/zhoudqa/article/details/78256928 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请附上博文链接!